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Moving House - connection overlap period

Level 2


when you move house, is there a way to have an overlap period where the internet is available at the current and new location without having to create a new account for the new location?

It's difficult to time the removalist to conincide with the internet connection date and vice versa. 

The support staff suggested creating a new account for the new location but all the email accs of the current account can't be trasnferred to the new account. If i were to lose my existing emil accounts, I mnd as well go to a new provider.


Not applicable

Hi @littleref


The service will be automatically cancelled on the old address when the relocation is completed. It is not possible to have 2 active connection on both addresses unless you will sign up for a new account. You may apply for a service relocation and set the move in date once you confirmed it. Contact us at anytime when you're ready to proceed. 


