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Our speed of our Naked ADSL service is soooo incredibly slow. It's been like this for several months and we're now at the point we turn off our phone wifi so instead of using wiifi at home, we're using our data on our phones. It's gotten progressively worse to the point where it's barely working!!!!! Please help!!!!
Hi @kay,
Welcome to TPG Community!
We were able to locate your account using your community details and have run some remote test. The result is inconclusive.
We will arrange a call from our Tech team to look into it further. Please shoot me a private message with your preferred time and best number to be contacted.
Don't know how to send a PM? Click this link for the instructions.
Kind regards,
Hi @kay,
Just doing a follow up.
I'm still waiting for your preferred time and best number to be contacted so I can arrange a call from our Tech team to run some realtime test and troubleshooting with your help.
Kind regards,
Hi @kay,
I understand that our Tech team has been in touch and confirmed that the service is working as of the moment. They are monitoring the account and will be in touch tomorrow to make sure that the service will be stable.
Let us know should you require further assistance.
Kind regards,