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No reply of my nbn cancellation request

Level 2
I had submit the service cancellation requests for more than 4 times, but got no reply. And I don’t need the service anymore, and other people have moved into the house I lived. I need to cancel the service as soon as possible. I tried to contact with you and sent a email. But no one answer me. Please help me cancel the service. I am a little annoyed with the working efficiency. Please don’t let me down.
looking forward to your reply.
Customer id: 6650130
Username: lafreelia

Hi @Lafreelia


Thanks for raising this with us.

We'd like to chase this with our Accounts team and have a case manager to contact you tomorrow for further discussion.


Please send me a PM with your preferred time and best number to be contacted.



Level 2

Thank you for your reply. I am available at afternoon tomorrow. But my phone number was changed, and I am in China now so I think it will be hard to contact with me through phone. Do you mind to contact me through email? I will reply as soon as possible. The email address is 

Thank you for your help.