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Please Cancel my internet account

Level 2
Trying to switch my nbn to adsl2+ , As moving my house, but too expensive. Please cancel my internet account from tpg. Try to call contact centre but long wait and no response.
Not applicable

We're sorry to know that you'd like to cancel the service and we'd like to arrange an account specialist to contact you to discuss the matter, @rahulsharawat.


Please PM us your TPG customer ID, username and completea address together with your best contact number and most convenient time to receive a call.


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community 

Not applicable

Thanks for sending the details, @rahulsharawat. We have arranged an account specialist to contact you between 4:30PM to 7PM VIC today.


Let us know if we can be of further assistance. Thank you.


Hi @rahulsharawat,


We understand that our Accounts team has been in touch and the request is in progress.


We wish you all the best with your chosen provider and we hope you will consider TPG again in the future. We would welcome the opportunity to turn your experience around!

