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Price increase without any notification!

Level 2

Let me start off by saying your customer service is terrible! I phoned twice this morning, and was cut off by both customer service representatives! 

I have been trying to get a resolution to an issue I raised over a week ago. My credit card was charged more for your price increase, however, I did not receive the email notifying me of the price increase to either of the email addresses listed on my account. According to TPG terms and conditons, the automated credit card charge should not increase without the customer being notified first, and with the customer's approval. I understand that you want to increase prices, however, my credit card has been charged more without me being informed.


Hi @mskim


Welcome to TPG Community! 


We'll check on your account to validate the email notification regarding your plan pricing increase. Kindly send us a message with your TPG customer ID or username and we'll take it from there.

How do I private message (PM) in the community



Level 2
Hi TPG team,

I’ve noticed a price increase without any notification. Can you please review my account and confirm for me why this increase has occurred and what notification has been provided? I believe that changing prices without notification is a breach of contract.

Hi @ytrejbal1,


We'd be glad to look into this. Kindly PM us with your Customer ID or username so we can check your account. 


