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Hi, i have my TPG email account set up on laptop (outlook) and on my ipad and iphone(Mail). I cannt get any of them to snyc together.
Any help would be appreciated
Hi @michaelupston,
Welcome to the community!
Thanks for raising this to us. I would like to confirm when you say cannot get them to sync together, does it mean both emails unable to get the same email content at the same time?
If you are using the POP3 TPG email addres that comes with your TPG service. The email can only be store to one local device it will not sync with other device(s) if you wish the email to be sync across multiple devices you need to upgrade the email to IMAP.
You may check the links below for more information about POP3 and IMAP TPG emails.
Let me know should you require further assistance.
Hi, i have my TPG email account set up on laptop (outlook) and on my ipad and iphone(Mail). I cannt get any of them to snyc together.
Any help would be appreciated
Hi @michaelupston . Has this been working before and has suddenly stopped working, or has it never worked?
Does no sync relate to detecting new emails or not detecting that emails have been deleted on one device but still showing on other device?
Is the mail app on ipad, iphone a proper mail client or just interface to webmail?