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TPG Home Wireless Broadband

Level 2

I have moved into a new apartment and have registered for TPG Home Wireless Broadband. I set up my modem 2 days ago, but have had no Internet connection since I set it up. I contacted TPG 2 days ago and was issued with a ticket number. I followed up with TPG today and the issue hasn't been resolved. How long can I expect to be without Internet? I have also been unable to log into my account.


Hi @Thornbury2022


We'd like to check on the status of your case and see what we can do to resolve this as soon as possible.

Shoot me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number.



Level 3

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@Thornbury2022 Pay My Doctor Login wrote:

I have moved into a new apartment and have registered for TPG Home Wireless Broadband. I set up my modem 2 days ago, but have had no Internet connection since I set it up. I contacted TPG 2 days ago and was issued with a ticket number. I followed up with TPG today and the issue hasn't been resolved. How long can I expect to be without Internet? I have also been unable to log into my account.