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TPG username or customer ID

Level 2

Good Afternoon,

I am not able to login into the TPG accounts. when I called customer service they said I can used my email address to login and view account deatil. I have a NBN intrent and landline phone through TPG. I have downloaded the TPG app too. Can you please advise how can I access my account. 


Hi @abhigautam052 . Go to and click on My Account. Your username is the part of your email address before the @ symbol. Or use your landline phone number.

There is a link there: Forgot your password?


Also, look at this. It's a list of useful articles.


There is a link: Forgot your TPG account password?

Level 2
Hi David,
Thank you for your response. I have tried it all but it a still don’t work.

Hi @abhigautam052 . The name in one of your pictures is your Community user name. Did you use the same name for Community as for your TPG account? The name you need to use is from your email address.

Do you have an email client loaded on your computer or phone? Your username is set somewhere in the client configuration.

In the other picture, you have put your phone number, not your customer number.