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Why have TPG removed the ability to downgrade my NBN plan online?

Level 2

I have a second property where I usually have NBN Bundle Small (12mbps) running (security camera etc) but when we're there for school holidays etc, I upgrade to the faster package (47mbps is the max for that line, it's FTTN) 


I used to be able to log into my account and change my plan up or down, but since my property was enabled for FTTP each time I've logged in I've only had the option to upgrade to FTTP and a much more expensive plan. I can still call (and go through trying to be upsold NBN and Mobile every single time) and do the same upgrade and downgrade, but it's a complete waste of my and everyone else's time... 


Anyone else experiencing this? Or am I.... special

Community Manager

We're keen to get this checked out so you can swap to a plan that suits you better, @gtvone. Send us through a private message so we can get this sorted.

Level 2

Hey Jacob, Thanks, I will do.