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Appointment confirmation ticket xxxxxxx

Level 2

My ticket number is xxxxxxx
I was told last Friday by one of your engineers that a NBN technician will attend my address today between 8am and 12pm.
Can you confirm that this is the case as I’ve taken the day off to be able to attend
Thank you


Hi @Olivier1980


We reviewed the case and it shows that the NBN Co cancelled the technician visit as there's an ongoing network issue that they need to resolve first.

We'll chase this with our wholesale provider and have someone to get in touch with you between 11AM - 12NN today for further discussion.



Level 2
Still no news from TPG or NBN and still no internet connection. You are not providing the service I am paying for and you are also not taking any accountability for solving the issue, pointing fingers between NBN and TPG. Therefore I have:
- cancelled the direct debit for TPG
- reported TPG to the Ombudsman
Payment will resume when the service is restored.
Hopefully this triggers a few things on your side so that my internet gets restored in a timely manner
If that’s not the case, I will then lodge a compensation request for monthly service paid and not used and will find another provider.
Not applicable

We undertand how much the service means to you, our Engineering Team is working-around-the-clock to fix the issue with the help of NBNCo.We will raise this to our team to request a billing adjustment yet this will be discuss once the fault is resolve. We will consider this as a complaint expect an update from our Engineers when it becomes available.

Still no news from TPG or NBN and still no internet connection. You are not providing the service I am paying for and you are also not taking any accountability for solving the issue, pointing fingers between NBN and TPG. Therefore I have:
- cancelled the direct debit for TPG
- reported TPG to the Ombudsman
Payment will resume when the service is restored.
Hopefully this triggers a few things on your side so that my internet gets restored in a timely manner
If that’s not the case, I will then lodge a compensation request for monthly service paid and not used and will find another provider.