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Bad internet connection

Level 2
The internet connection is very bad. Sometimes the TV, computers and mobiles can’t connect to the network. Even when they are connected, the speed is very slow.

Hi @betty2121


Welcome to TPG Community. We'd love to help check what's happening with your connection. Shoot us a PM with your TPG username and we'll go from there. 


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Hi @betty2121,


There are different types of speed issues that you may experience:


1. Speed issues caused by a line fault on TPG or NBN's network. Affecting all device(s) LAN/Wireless connected to the modem/router this may require a real-time test and investigation by our Technicians and Engineers.


2. Wireless Speed issue this issue only affects the device(s) connected via Wi-Fi which can easily be fix by doing adjustment to the modem/router's settings.


3. Speed issues caused by ongoing outage in your area. 


I've managed to run remote test on your connection and have detected that your session is working for more than a day now which means the line is stable. 


It's possible that the trouble you may be having could be WIFI-related (signal interference, distance, weak signal) if you're using a WIFI connection only. 


We recommend having a read on the following articles:


• Troubleshooting a Slow Internet Connection

• Easy Steps to Improve Wi-Fi Connection In Your Home

• Wireless Channel on your modem - what is it and why should I change it


If the issue persists, let us know of your most convenient time to receive a call so we can have our Technical Team to assist you further.




The internet connection is very bad. Sometimes the TV, computers and mobiles can’t connect to the network. Even when they are connected, the speed is very slow.