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Britbox App not working

Level 2

Hi, I am trying to watch the Britbox App on my TV.  It is a smart TV, but the app wont connect through.  Trying it on a laptop and we get a decoder error.  I have tried the TV on both wired and wifi connections, but both do not work.  If I try it by hotspotting off my phone, it works fully on both TV and Laptop.  Netflix and a lot of other apps work, just not Britbox.  So why does it work from a hotspot phone, but not our TPG service?


Hi @kandvrapp1


Welcome to the Community!


Since other Apps are working with your TPG service, then it is not the problem with the connection.

Have you checked if the Britbox app is the updated version? Was it working before with your TPG service?


Have you contacted Britbox support for other troubleshooting?

