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Can't access email

Level 3

I haven't been able to access my emails for the past few hours. The connection is authorising and then fails to connect. If I try to access emails via Post Office I get the following message -

SQLSTATE[42000] [1203] User atmail already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections


The service status for emails is showing no faults. This happened once before and eventually resolved itself but still did not show as a fault in the email service status.

Also my phone keeps notifying me that it can't sign in.

Is there anything I can do?

Any help would be appreciated.


Level 3


Have just noticed the Service Status has just been updated to Reported Issue - 

Some Customers unable to access emails.


Hi @Jaguar 


My apologies about the difficulty in accessing emails. We do currently have an unplanned email outage which our Engineers are actively working on to resolve the issue. Our latest Estimated Time of Restoration (ETR) is set for August 29 (3AM AEST).


For the latest updates, please visit this page:



Level 3


It is now 8AM AEST and the service status for email shows no faults.

I am no longer getting any message when I try to log into Post Office - the login screen just keeps refreshing itself.

Is there still an outage or a problem my end?

Thank you

Not applicable

Hi @Jaguar, the email outage is still ongoing and it is posted here:


Our Engineers are doing their best to rectify this ASAP and you can check our Service Status Page for further updates.


We apologise for the inconvenience.