Cancel new connection

Level 2
How do I cancel a new connection? I’m told tpg will take 2 weeks to sort out their connection. As a new customer I need my internet working now not in 2weeks as tpg say they need to send someone out. I need my internet working now!!!
Not applicable

We apologise for the inconvenience this is causing you and we're sorry to know that you're considering cancelling the service, @Mooses72.


We'd like to better understand what happened and check what can be done to turn your experience around.


We have located an account using your community details, but we'd like to make sure that we got the right one.


Please PM us your TPG customer ID, username and complete address together with your best contact number and most convenient time to receive a call.


To send a PM,please refer to this link:

How do I private message (PM) in the community