Slow and unreliable internet, called a few times still not able to fix, wasted a lot of my time. Contacted recently due to deadly unreliable internet. Also realise TPG has been charging me $80/month for many months for NBN12+home phone bundle while I should have been provided NBN25+home phone bundle. Customer care is so poor for loyal customer. I am asking now to completely resolve unreliable internet and 2 types of comensation, 1: is deadly unreliable internet for more than half a year and 2: charging me 80 for NBN12 for many months/years. I have been using TPG for many many years and look at how you "have cared" for loyal customer like me. Given I am also mobile customer but TPG is not willing to support on mobile plan too. You guys just care for new customers, inviting new customers. I am extremely unhappy and will fight for fairness till the end. TPG wasted a lot of my time through many many phone conversations too, my time is also money dont you know?