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Complaint - Dodgy Practices

Level 2

TPG contacted my parents and advised that NBN was available in their property.

5-6 amended installation dates later and then a confirmation email that NBN was installed.

2 hours later we received an email stating that we have moved to another provider - this was not initiated by anyone.


I called NBN Co and they advised that there had never been an appointment at my parents address and even if there had been an appointment that no HFC parts are available for months.  The address of the apartment is not correctly being recognised by the TPG computers and but are still being told that NBN is available at the apartment by TPG.  


To add insult to injury they have had charges of $89.99 and $18.99.


They now have no internet connection (previously ADSL) and are being told that no phone connection is available to them until NBN can be connected to the property.


I would like a full refund of the charges.  I'd prefer not escalating the issue to the TIO but it seems like this is where this issue is heading.



Not applicable

Hi @roymather, we apologise for the trouble this issue is causing you and we'd like to help get to the bottom of this. Please send us a private message with the customer ID, username and complete address so we can pull up the account.


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community