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Connecting Asus XD5 to NBN

Level 2

Can anyone help please? I am trying to connect my ASUS XD5 router to NBN. I connect via PPoE as my connection is HFC, had my username and password entered; setup thet VLAN thing; enabled the PPoE relay also, but still it stays internet is not connected. Strangely I can see some traffic in the app but it says download and upload both are 0; and I was able to receive line messge as general notifications; but couldn't load the message in apps and also can't access any web pages or load anything. Really don't know what went wrong... can anyone please help? Thanks .

Level 15

Hi @lamxstal . Is this the Asus ZenWiFi XD5?

Is it replacing an existing working router, or is this a new connection and you are using the Asus for the first time?

On the HFC box, are all 4 lights On?

Check Asus is in correct mode.  

Advanced Settings > Administration > Operation Mode. Select Wireless Router mode.

For VLAN setup, did you do that in LAN-IPTV section?

It is only needed if you are on Bundled NBN/VOIP plan.