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Connectivity problems with Home wireless broadband

Level 3
Hi in these past few days I've had some problems with connectivity to the internet with my wifi router modem. I would be able to connect to wifi, but sometimes the connection would suddenly disconnect after about an hour or a few minutes. I've tried turning off the modem and restarting it many times, sometimes it works and I can connect to the internet again, but after a while the connection drops again, and the same connection issues continue to persist. and now I can't connect to wifi at all and both the 4G and internet indicator lights on my wifi modem are off. This same connection problem keeps happening no matter how many times I have turned off the modem and restarting it. I don't know why this problem is happening, my modem was working fine and I had no connection issues just a few days ago. It was only in the past 2 days or so that my modem has started to experience these connection issues.
Are there any problems with the Home wireless broadband or is there a technical issue with my modem itself? I really don't know what is causing this connection problem, please help!

Welcome to the Community @Lindaw20.


When you advised that you are suddenly disconnected, do you mean that your devices were disconnected from the WiFi network?

You've also advised that the 4G and internet light were off when this issue happens, have you tried to relocate the modem/router near a window?


Aside from rebooting it, have you tried to reset the modem/router?



Level 3
Thank you for your quick reply!
Yes everytime the connection drops I am disconnected from the wifi network and both the 4G and internet lights suddenly turns off. Sometimes the connection would suddenly disconnect after an hour sometimes only a few minutes, this problem has been persisting for a few days now. Everytime this issue happens I always turn off my modem and restart it. I did try to reset the modem once yesterday but that did not seem to fix the problem, I am still getting connection issues.

Thank you @Lindaw20


We'd like to arrange a call from our Tech team to perform further troubleshooting and check if the device is already faulty.


Shoot me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number along with your preferred time and best number to be contacted.



Level 3
I have just sent a pm to you, thank you.

Got it! We'll arrange the call between 5PM - 6PM today.



Level 3

Hi again!


Even though I did not receive any calls from your tech team, but the problem seems to have been fixed now, since last night I have not had anymore connection issues, everything is working fine now so thanks again!

Level 2
My internet NEVER works! It’s even worse lately! I’m not happy for all the money I have paid over this time.
It needs to be sorted ASAP!!!
Not applicable

Hi Sue44. Let us get to the bottom of this, to better understand the issue affecting the service, shoot us a PM with your details (Username/Customer ID together with the address on file).

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