Data usage by modem

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Level 2

Hi ferguskg,

i appreciate this was a couple of years ago now, my mother is experiencing exactly the same issues, 10Gb data being used and exhausted before end of the month (does not use iCloud, Dropbox, etc). she never went anywhere near 10Gb/month under ADSL2, now with NBN is reaching it in first two weeks. She has spent many hours on phone to TPG but no resolve.

 Just wondering if you were able to get a resolution to the problem? Or how to fix the issue?



Not applicable

Hi @Summ12days, we'd like to help you out with your concern.


We have located an account using your community details, but we'd like to make sure that we got the right one. Can you PM the TPG customer ID, username and address?


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community - TPG Community

Level 2

I have this problem to. My mothers internt is shaped she is a pensioner and vision impaired and cannot use the computer or stream videos etc. The daily usage ranges from 1,2GB to 250 Mb on a 10Gb plan. There is no possible means to use that much data as no uses the wifi excpet for the odd email. After shaping last month the data usage for the shaped 2weeks was over 3 Gb. To download this 3Gb at 32 kb/s might take over 2 weeks with a constant download. This month she was shaped on 2nd Dec but has already downlaoded an extra 250 Mb at teh shaped speed. I don't think this is possible? Is there a solution. I need to keep the modem on because she requires the phone for emergencies. 


Hi @KipperR,


Thank you for taking time to post.


We're sorry to hear that you're having issues with the date usage because you are reaching your data limit earlier compared to before.


Due to the possible increase in internet speed it is not uncommon to download or browse the internet more than the usual.


We would like to take this opportunity to have a closer look in to account. Please send us a private message with your customer ID or username, we look forward to resolving this for you as soon as possible.


Hi @KipperR,


Thanks for providing the account details via PM.


From what I can tell, the service was upgraded from ADSL Unlimited plan to NBN with a 10GB data allocation back in October. I checked the usage history prior to the upgrade an I can see that there are several instances this year that the usage has gone over 10GB a month. The lowest usage was for the billing period of July 15 - Aug 15 with data usage of 6.1GB while the highest was on March 15-April 15 with a total of 17.4GB usage.


Since the previous ADSL service was on Unlimited, the account was never throttled.


I understand that you mentioned that your mother doesn't use the computer, but are there other devices that may be connected to the modem such as SmartTV, chromecast and the likes? If not, I suggest disabling the WIFI off completely to ensure that no one is piggybacking on her connection.




Level 2

@Will wrote:

Hi @KipperR,


Thanks for providing the account details via PM.


From what I can tell, the service was upgraded from ADSL Unlimited plan to NBN with a 10GB data allocation back in October. I checked the usage history prior to the upgrade an I can see that there are several instances this year that the usage has gone over 10GB a month. The lowest usage was for the billing period of July 15 - Aug 15 with data usage of 6.1GB while the highest was on March 15-April 15 with a total of 17.4GB usage.


Since the previous ADSL service was on Unlimited, the account was never throttled.


I understand that you mentioned that your mother doesn't use the computer, but are there other devices that may be connected to the modem such as SmartTV, chromecast and the likes? If not, I suggest disabling the WIFI off completely to ensure that no one is piggybacking on her connection.




I have done that. My mother is visually impaired an unable to use the computer (which actually has not been connected to the internet) She cannot surf the web, stream movies etc. There are no background processes running. When it is shaped it still is saying there is over 150 MB downloaded a day which at 32kps is not possible. The high months are when a carer is staying with her. So on her own she is using 10 GB every 2 weeks for the two months on NBN with no streaming. You are having a laugh...

She was in hopital for the 1 Nov and 2 november close to 0.5 GB used when no one is there????



Hi @KipperR,


If we do the math, at 32kbps, you can have a usage of 1.9MB in 1 minute.


As mentioned earlier, I understand that your mother may not be using the internet connection and simply utilize it for phone. What we're trying to determine, is if there's someone piggybacking on the connection without you knowing.


We can organize a call from our Technical Team to assist in checking the settings of your modem. Kindly PM us your best contact number and preferred time for a call.


Level 2

Actually it is unusable you cannot connect to anything not even to speed test it. So someone is streaming a movie at 32kbs. It is really rare to maintain a constast speed. 

Level 2

Very strange all this

As well. If you do the math. 1byte = 8bits therefore you are transfering 4 bytes a second = 1000,000 bytes in 250 seconds. which is 1 MB in 4.1116 mins which leads us to 350 MB in about 25 hours. that is assuming you keep a constant connection at 32kb/s. Some days are 350 MB whilst shaped. think you muddled 32kbit/s with 32 kbytes/s

Just saying


Hi @KipperR 


My bad, I seem to have muddled up the kb with kB indeed.  Thanks for pointing that out.  Nonetheless,  I was able to raise it yesterday after my previous response for additional investigation. From what I can tell,  a Sr Technician has contacted you yesterday to discuss their findings.


As discussed with you over the phone,  a chomecast device appears to have utilized your data while you mentioned that you just turned off the WIFI at 4PM the day before.  Since it takes 24 hours to generate a report on a day's usage,  we were unable to provide you your data consumption as of yesterday.  We can, however, inform you today that your data usage for December 5 is 27.44MB. You can see the same information when you login to your online account.


You were also informed that we didn't find any 350MB consumption during the days that you mentioned that the account was previously throttled.


As requested,  we will be monitoring your data usage until December 10. Please ensure that no devices are connected including the chromecast during this period.