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Decommissioning of Chariot - preservation of email addresses

Level 3

I've just got word that the Chariot email system is going to me shut down in early 2023.

I understand the reasoning - the servers are at end of life and Chariot is only a fractional part of the TPG Empire.

The sad thing is us Chariot customers will lose our email addresses, which we've had for many years and are an integral part of our digital lives.  I've always kept my Chariot address for friends/family and important business matters, so losing it will have an impact on me.

I gather that TPG have decided to just kill off the mail servers but have not given any consideration to preserving the domain within the domain. 

How hard would it be for TPG to set up an alias on our TPG email accounts?

One of the main reasons I've stayed with TPG of the many years has been to keep my Chariot email account running, so if that is no longer available then I'm now open to consider the whole range of internet providers.

I urge TPG to consider helping Chariot customers by preserving their email addresses within the TPG domain.

Not applicable

We appreciate your feedback with the Decommissioning of the Chariot Email. We do not have access with chariot hence we will raise this to our Team for reference. If you wish to speak with one of our Chariot Specialists shoot us a PM with your details.


How to send a PM




I've just got word that the Chariot email system is going to me shut down in early 2023.

I understand the reasoning - the servers are at end of life and Chariot is only a fractional part of the TPG Empire.

The sad thing is us Chariot customers will lose our email addresses, which we've had for many years and are an integral part of our digital lives.  I've always kept my Chariot address for friends/family and important business matters, so losing it will have an impact on me.

I gather that TPG have decided to just kill off the mail servers but have not given any consideration to preserving the domain within the domain. 

How hard would it be for TPG to set up an alias on our TPG email accounts?

One of the main reasons I've stayed with TPG of the many years has been to keep my Chariot email account running, so if that is no longer available then I'm now open to consider the whole range of internet providers.

I urge TPG to consider helping Chariot customers by preserving their email addresses within the TPG domain.


Level 4

Hi jpgibard

My wife has just gone through a similar process with her Picknowl email address which was previously managed by Chariot being discontinued.

Please be aware that when her email account was closed, TPG/Chariot thought it was OK just to let any further emails to that address disappear into the ether. They thought it was OK to not bother setting the account so that a warning message such as an error 550 message would be returned to the sender advising that their email would not be delivered to the intended recipient.

It is simply not possible to advise all people who may have stored your email address that the address is closed. The list of people is not simply the people who are listed in your address book. It can be much more than that.

It took countless emails to TPG requesting they fix it. I even had a TPG case manager but most of my emails to him requesting assistance went unanswered. It was not until I raised a formal complaint to the Ombudsman did TPG finally wake up and rectify the problem, and even then it took weeks.

They still have not explained why they took the action that they did and the appalling service that I received.

I strongly advise you to check this aspect of the warning message out when your own email account is closed, and don’t be afraid to get the Ombudsman involved if you start seeing that you are getting the run around by TPG as I have experienced.
Good luck on your journey.

Level 4

Great post! Couldn't agree more. The total indifference of TPG Chariot to these concerns is beyond arrogance. My Chariot inbox is at 230% capacity but Chariot has scrubbed the delete option.Also all my sent emails have disappeared and again they couldn't care less. Now they expect me to change my email address and advise to all those in my address book but don't assist with that  either!


Seriousy wondering why I pay TPG $65 pm when they won't even interact with me?


Cheers, Grahame

Level 2

I've just found out a similar fate for my paid TPG email account - this sucks as I've been happily using this primary paid address for the best part of 10 years.


When are these ISP companies going to realise that we don't like change? We purchase these emails for a reason!


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