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Delayed or missing mail delivery to wife's tpg email account

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Hi @freezer101, our Postmaster advised that this is an ongoing issue and our System Engineers are still working on fixing this. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience.

Not applicable

Hi @hkong,

The Postmaster confirmed that the delayed email issue is still ongoing and intermittent. Some emails arrived on time and some are delayed.

We'll provide more update when it becomes available.




Hi Shane,

Any idea whether Postmaster has any progress report.

I've just forwarded a msg from my TPG Post Office webmail to wife's email earlier on and it's not come through to her TPG Post Office Webmail account.


Level 3

And I can confirm it's still happening! as of 11.53 pm Wednesday 19th May!

Not applicable

Hi @freezer101, we have made another follow up and we'll let you know once a new feedback is received from our Postmaster.

Not applicable

Hi @freezer101, the issue is still ongoing and there's no estimated time of restoration yet, but our System Engineers are doing their best to fix this as soon as possible.

Level 6

I made a similar report some time ago, but the problem was never solved as I couldn't get the sender of the missed emails(an email is sent about every six months, followed by a paper mail to ask me to check my email details) to re-send the email for testing.

Level 2

There is no indication from this discussion that the problem has been fixed by TPG. We've been experiencing the same problem as others for some time now (who can tell how long?) and the best TPG can say is they are STILL looking into it. TPG say our missing e-mails have been blocked by TPG as SPAM (even though they are not SPAM) before getting on to the TPG server. Who knows how long this has been going on and how many of our legitimate messages have never gotten through? When will TPG ensure our legitimate incoming messages are no longer terminated as SPAM?

Level 4

I am having intermittent delays in receiving email too. I have some email from a sender that has arrived promptly and other email from the same sender on the same day delayed by many hours. 

Not applicable

Hi @marbell,


Thanks for raising this to us, are you using Email Client or TPG's post office? 





I am having intermittent delays in receiving email too. I have some email from a sender that has arrived promptly and other email from the same sender on the same day delayed by many hours. 

Level 4

I am generally using the Mail application on a Mac. However, I have checked via TPG's Post Office web mail and the emails are equally slow to appear there.