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Download Speed not as advertised.

Level 2

I have been recently forced to upgrade my plan to ‘NBN Ultra-fast’ plan due to receiving internet speeds what can only be described as terrible. I'm paying a 450mb Download speed and have tested the last 10 days and I have averaged a download speed of 105mb.


Does paying the highest amount to your company provide any kind of priority or benefit to internet speed? I am honestly uncertain and concerned there is absolutely no difference and that I will be wasting money on a company that doesn’t seem to care about their end users.


Can you please provide any policy or contractual documentation/information regarding connection throttling? I’m curious and wish to educate myself to make sure I’m not in the wrong.


Or do I need to arrange a time for a technician to come to my property and check the connection or reset our NBN box?


Hi @mshepard801


Did you test the speed via Wired or WiFi connection?

If via WiFi, are you connected to the 2.4GHz or 5GHz band network?


We'd like to test the NBN line as well, kindly send me a PM with your account details.

