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Download Speed slow when downloading files specifically

Level 2

Recently moved house and have a HFC connection at the new house which is the same as the old house. I'm on an NBN100 plan and the download speed on shows a consistent 107mbps which is great. When I stream video or watch movies there's no buffering or anything of the sort. The problem arises when I download files. For some reason whenever I download videos or games the download speed slows down considerably to the 300-400kbps speeds. Is there anyway to resolve this? The router we are using is the same from the old house - ARCHER VR1600V.

Level 15

Hi @vy_2004 . When you do download of files, which part of the system is saying 300-400 kbps?

Possible they mean Bytes/s instead of bits/s?

You can use the Networking tab in Task Manager to see the transfer speed seen by Windows.

The streaming sites might have higher upload speeds than the sites doing downloads.

If you know the ip addresses of the streaming sites and download sites, you can do ping and tracert commands to each and see if there are network delays.