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Email issues. Can't connect to the account "XXXXXXXXXX"

Level 3

It's a joke isn't it!

Same email account (1 of 2) that we've been using for over 10 years.
Now all of a sudden it's offline and when I put in the email password I get...
"Unable to verify account name or password"
Rang TPG and they said there is no records for both emails, can't check webmail and I have to prove who I am FFS!
Then did all that, got an email said it's now working but as usual still no joy.
Now they have said I need to reset my password!
Bloody useless. No IT suupport at all.
Can't even see any back end details/options for slave emails to check or change.
Bloody over it, considering to flick TPG and go with someone who I can call and talk to someone who knows how it all works and can recitify on the spot and not having back and forth emails for over a week with no resolve.

Forever waiting for email replies. Got a message that they'll call, never happened.

Level 3

TPG, seriously what a joke.
Just get another generic email this morning giving me instructions on how to change my password.
Yes, for my main account. This is after a few more replies to them stating it needs to be for the Slave Email Password and nothing else.
So rang TPG and spoke to a women who said she is from Techincal Support but could not help,
only thing she can do is to contact email department and make it a priority to get a call back "sometime during the day"
And no I can't be transfered to the email depart to get this sorted now because they can't transfer calls!
Over a week now of back and forth with no resolve.
Not good enough!

Not applicable

Hi @seahunter68,

Let us get to the bottom of this, send us a PM with the affected E-mail address to better understand the situation. 

How to send a PM? -

Level 3

It just gets worse!
Got a call which I missed because I have a life and was busy!
Got the SMS saying let us know when is convenient to call back so I replied "NOW"
Yep nothing no return call, waiting all day again.
Now I get another email asking for a screenshot of the error.
Well Oil Beef Hooked, I have already sent them the screen shot days ago.
So obviousley NOBODY is actually readig the emails that we send TPG.

It is truely laughable the level of incompetence that this company displays.

Not applicable

We got the account and confirmed that our Team attempted to contact you but no avail. Please confirm your best contact number and preferred time so we can have the call rescheduled.


It just gets worse!
Got a call which I missed because I have a life and was busy!
Got the SMS saying let us know when is convenient to call back so I replied "NOW"
Yep nothing no return call, waiting all day again.
Now I get another email asking for a screenshot of the error.
Well Oil Beef Hooked, I have already sent them the screen shot days ago.
So obviousley NOBODY is actually readig the emails that we send TPG.

It is truely laughable the level of incompetence that this company displays.

Level 3

TPG email accounts have been going downhill for 6 months now. I can't send or receive at this time!

Level 3


OK got the phone call, spoke to the lady who said all be rectified.
Sent an email that has a special password and link to click on which will
let me enter the username "first part of the slave email" before the @ symbol.
Just enter that specific email and then I will be able to change to my own email.

Doesn't work does it. Takes me to my TPG main username page, nothing to do with the slave account!

Bloody over it guys.

Not applicable

Hi @seahunter68,

Our team advised that they will contact you again if the email didn't work. Confirm your best contact number and preferred time so we can arrange another call.




OK got the phone call, spoke to the lady who said all be rectified.
Sent an email that has a special password and link to click on which will
let me enter the username "first part of the slave email" before the @ symbol.
Just enter that specific email and then I will be able to change to my own email.

Doesn't work does it. Takes me to my TPG main username page, nothing to do with the slave account!

Bloody over it guys.