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Hi @Stelios, as mentioned, we are getting a failing result, thus there's no need to leave the NBN equipment connected as we need to investigate what is causing the tests to fail and we'll book an NBN technician to do the job.


One of our Senior Case Managers will be in touch to discuss the matter and will also help you in reconnecting the ADSL Modem.


We sincerely apologise for the confusion.

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Hi @Stelios, we can see that a Senior Case Manager has been in touch and discussed the progression of the case.


As advised, an NBN Technician has been booked to further investigate the issue.


For now, you can continue using the service while we are still waiting for the technician visit to be completed.


Should you have further queries, feel free to drop us a message. Cheers!

Level 2

Hi Riezl,


thank you so much for your reply.

I do spoke with the Senior case manager and they will send NBN technicain to my place and i hope he will be able to connect my with the NBN.

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Our Provisioning Team is closely monitoring this case and will revert to you once they receive additional updates, @Stelios.


Should you need any assistance, please let us know. Thank you.

Level 2

I have exactly the same problem, this seems to be a very common problem.

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Hi @vgiucastro,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We have made a follow up with our Provisioning Team and we have requested the case manager to contact you and discuss the status of the order.


Let us know if you have a preferred contact number and time.

Level 2

You can contact me anytime on 04xxxxxxxx



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We have edited your post for security purposes, @vgiucastro.


Please expect a call within 15-30 minutes.

Level 2



I was told that my NBN connection will occur on the 19th of July between 1-5pm, Iwas told by the technician

that this connection was done out in the street and I didn't have to be at home.

Not applicable

You are correct, @vgiucastro.


An NBN Technician will come out and will check the line outside.


The case manager is monitoring the account and will contact you once the technician report is received from NBN Co.


Let us know if you have further queries. Thank you.