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FTTN to FTTP upgrade or email only

Level 2

Like others on the forum, my suburb is eligible for the NBN's free upgrade from FTTN to FTTP when ordering a Home Fast tier service with an eligible provider.  Currently TPG is not on the list of eligible providers.


My first preference is to stay with TPG so I would like to know if TPG is working towards being added to the list of eligible provders?


If TPG are not added to the list of eligible providers I will be forced to move to a different ISP.  If this is the case does TPG offer email nly plans to aviod the inconvenience of changing email addresses?




Hi @Andrew_F


We'd like to check your account and confirm the eligibility of your location.

We'll register your interest once confirmed and we will contact you directly once the upgrade becomes available.


Shoot me a PM with your TPG account details.

