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Frequent ADSL dropouts

Level 2
Our internet has been pretty good for over 4 years until about 2 months ago. Every day, we experience roughly 10 times of dropouts after we are back home from work. 5 to 10 minutes after each dropout, the connection restores itself and internet comes back again. Then an hour or so later, the internet is off again...
I can confirm our modem and router are both working fine because I tried switching to our spare devices and the issue persists...
Is there any known issues in my area NSW 2066?

Hi @5038033,

Welcome to TPG Community!


We were able to locate your account using your community details and have run a remote test. We've detected some noise interference through the copper line which caused the issue with your service. We've made some adjustments to lessen this noise for the service to work properly.


We'll monitor your connection within 24 hours to make sure that everything will work as it should be.


Kind regards,



Hi @5038033,


Your service is looking more stable after the adjustment that I've made to your connection.


Should you require further assistance, please let us know.


Kind regards,


Level 2

@BasilDV wrote:

Hi @5038033,


Your service is looking more stable after the adjustment that I've made to your connection.


Should you require further assistance, please let us know.


Kind regards,


Hi BasilDV,


Thanks for your help. The internet is much more stable now. However, we still experience some dropouts. They are a lot rarer than before though. Would you be able to have a quick check? 



Not applicable

Hi @5038033, the connection looks stable at the moment and we are not detecting any fault on the line.


We'd like to monitor this for 24 hours and if the issue persists, we'll investigate further.

Not applicable

Hi @5038033, the connection looks stable at the moment.


Should there be any issues, feel free to message us. Thank you.