HFC NBN ppp dropouts

Level 2

I am facing frequent ppp dropouts on my TPG NBN connection. My modem was changed to VX220-G2V but the issue is still there. One of the TPG technician visited my home and told me that he couldnt find any issue and closed the case.

I opened another case, this time NBN technician visited and change the splitter (outside) and changed the NBN box and told me that the line issue was found and resolved. The issue is still there and today when I called TPG because of at least 5 drop outs since morning, my call was transferred to an escalation engineer who told me this seems to be wireless drop out issue, a technician will be visiting my home tomorrow to investigate this firther. I tried to convince him but he didnt login to my modem to check the logs.

I am not sure how to get this issue resolved. 


Hi @allien, we're keen to check the status of this lodged fault. We're awaiting response from our PM with your details.