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High ping to korean servers

Level 2

Hi I'm on nbn with tpg, and am getting high ping to korean servers (220ms). I'm aware that if we go through japan nodes we can get closer to 150ms. Is tpg able to adjust anything on their end to achieve this?



Not applicable

If you’re in Australia, but playing on an NA or Asian servers, your latency will be higher because the geographical distance creates a delay between information being sent from an Australian client-side (player’s) connection before it’s received and relayed from the American server.

Connecting or Playing to a Game server not designated to your area will affect a high latency issue particularly if the Game Developer itself made a specific Server in every location such as ASIAN / NA Servers etc. 


If you wish to get more stable latency when playing to other regions we suggest to use a 3rd party VPN.


Let us know should you require more assistance.




Hi I'm on nbn with tpg, and am getting high ping to korean servers (220ms). I'm aware that if we go through japan nodes we can get closer to 150ms. Is tpg able to adjust anything on their end to achieve this?




Hi @user1121 . Have you always had high ping on Korean servers or has it been better in the past?

Can you do a tracert command to one of these servers and post the results. 

Do you know anyone on another provider who gets better results?

Post their tracert result for the same server also.

High ping times could be because TPG has bad routing compared to other providers.

Level 2

Yeah it's definitely due to bad routing. I've had better results connecting going through Japanese nodes but it is 100% going through china instead.


I'll try to get the tracert and upload soon.