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I would like to opt in to the nbn speed upgrade

Level 2
I called TPG 3 times about opt-in upgrade from 50mbs to 100mbs,they said that it will be finished at 16 June. But still does not work, same speed as before.
I do not like to call TPG again and again, it made me frustrated.
Good service in the call, but never work in real network. I plan to move to other vendor.
It is vworst experience this time during I use TPG for over 9 years
Level 2
Hope TPG fix the issue ASAP
Level 3

One loyal long term customer: Three calls to support staff, but issue remains unresolved.


Think of the cost to TPG, both in wasted technical support time and disgruntled customers switching to other ISPs.


It must be hitting the bottom line. Investors will be asking questions. As will the TIO, and Consumer Affaris.


Fess up - what is happening behind the scenes?