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Internet constant drop outs

Level 2
Hi, I recently got new internet with TPG last Monday 8/07 with the fast internet plan 250/50 FTTB. I have constantly been experiencing drops out on the net on specific timing of 7-8 minutes online and drops for 30sec - 1min and it goes back online afterwards.

I have had 4 technicians came in to check the equipments, (first one was help the installation, second was to help with configuration and third and fourth was checking the equipments and wiring of the box) and they said everything looks to be good.

I'm not sure on what to do now as when I call TPG, they are still waiting to confirm with the networking team. I'm a bit frustrated with the drop-outs that are happening every 7 minutes which are costing me to use my mobile data to WFH.

Can someone please help??

Hi @sidneyhe . What model wifi router do you have?
When you get dropout, any change to the lights on the router; DSL and Internet lights?

When you get dropout, does your wifi device stay connected to the router wifi? Can you login to the router admin?

Does the router have a system log with messages when the dropout occurs?

Level 2
Hi David,

When the drop out happens there's two scenario, first one is the internet light will go off and comes back on after 1 min.
Second, is the lights on the router all turn off and reboot itself, as the NDF box light will start flashing.

The wifi modem I'm using is the VX420-G2v AX5400, which was supplied by TPG.

During scenario 1 I can log in router admin.
Scenario 2 I'm not able to.

For the system logs, it would say:
Ppp0 peer not responding
Ppp0 LCP down
Ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "Peer not responding"]
Ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4 "Peer not responding"]
Disable SIP stack due to internal IP is

@sidneyhe . In first scenario, Internet light goes off and messages in system log means a failure in the external network. If DSL light stays on must mean connection to FTTB equipment is ok. Fault might be internal to that equipment. That's only a guess.

Second scenario might be a more severe type of error that the router can't handle.

What is the NDF box you mention?
Do you have NBN FTTB or TPG FTTB?

Level 2
I'm not too sure about the box but received it from TPG. Which is 422G 212MHZ GFAST BRIDGE ADTRAN box. The internet plan I applied for is the TPG FTTB plan. And for the DSL light, it is never on as I'm connect to the WAN.

@sidneyhe . This has some info on the Adtran box (second section).

Your problem is certainly something for TPG to fix. Whether they replace the Adtran box, or connect your phone line to a different port on their equipment in the comms room.

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