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Looking for more information on The Messaging Company

Level 2
Dear TPG Community
We have been trying to get some clarification on some important matters related to moving some of our long-held email addresses to TMC (more than 30 years). These emails are attached to many important parts of our lives and as such the future security of them is important to many of us. To date I have been disappointed at the lack of clarity from some members of the TPG Group of companies and others in the industry.
My questions are as follows
1. Does anyone know who the registrant and technical and admin contacts of are. I know they are somehow attached to atmail who are based in Brisbane. But the registrant of that domain is rather important too to those of us trusting our information and email accounts. They appear based in Ontario Canada. I am not sure why they need to be cloaked in secrecy. I have enquired with Tucows and still wating for a response
2. Regarding the relationship between TMC and TPG Group it is important that we know the relationship for both auDA registration rules (use of domains) and the rather concerning Terms and Conditions which seem to tie us to buying services from TPG group even when TMC are providing the commercial email service. Can anyone advise of the nature of the business relationship and how it would apply to auDA rules of registration and reasonable reading of partnership and afiliate rules under various parts of corporate law and fair business practice
I am uncertain why this process appears cloaked in so much secrecy, uncertainty and lack of security for so many long term loyal customers of TPG group. Surely our security, privacy and identity are put at risk if we lose long-held identifiers such as email addresses and phone numbers. We are expected to sign over a large amount of security to an unknown party with very little notice and chance to do our diligent research. Hoping for assistance in the matter. Very unusual to treat customers with such lack of care. I ask the executives of TPG group if they would be happy with some unknown entity having such power over their lives. Strangely a huge anonymous corporation in another country could be preferable to someone living next door.