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My nbn FTTC had been working fine since connected 1 month ago until this morning. This morning the power points/sockets where both the nbn network connection device (NCD) and the modem connected to, was turned off.
When I switched the power back on, and turned on both the NCD and the modem, one of the lights on the NCD (the one that has the symbol looks like a 'chain link') is blinking constantly and it's red while the remaining 3 lights are blue.
Also, the modem Internet light is not showing, it's off. The modem DSL light is also off.
Please check and advise what the problems might be, and how to have it fixed? Thanks
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I can see you have already contacted TPG at 12.30pm today.
You have a fault ticket assigned to your service and TPG are working at getting your service back online.
You will be updated by TPG shortly.