
Level 2
My nbn box is in the garage so I was wondering do I need the connect my modem to the nbn box or can I connect to the normal socket in the house as my current set with Telstra (nanas well). My current modem is in my home office and i want to have this modem located there so I can connect to computer.
Also I need landline in office to answer to calls. Landline is wired and not wireless as required by work.
I am receiving modem tomorrow and checked video installation and It seems like I may have to connect to garage. The fact is I cannot move work set up to garage.
How do I resolve this. I am panicking

Hi. What sort of NBN connection are you getting? 

You can run ethernet cable from NBN box in garage to new wifi router in home office.

The type of NBN connection determines what you can do with the phone.

FTTC, HFC the phone connects to wifi router.

FTTP the phone connects to the NBN box.