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NBN Constantly drops out

Level 2

I had an issue a month ago where I'd drop out every 4 hours or so.
Today I'm lucky if I stay connected for 5 minutes before dropping out again.
Tpg were supposedly monitoring my service and yet I've heard nothing.


Hi @heathan7 


We understand that you've been in contact with @Anonymous and this case has been escalated to our Engineering team for further investigation.


An Engineer tried to call you earlier to no avail. They would like to inform you that they are currently coordinating with NBN Co and will try to contact you again as soon as an update becomes available.


In the meantime, if you have any further enquiries or require general information on the matter, contact us here and we'll be sure to get this coordinated for you.




Hi @heathan7


Based on our records, it appears that the Engineer was able to talk to you earlier about the case. As discussed, you will be notified further once updates are available.