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No Internet connection after moving home

Level 2

I have moved home in Monday 1st July into an apartment. I submitted moving home request through TPG beforehand, and at the moving date, I unplugged my router from the old apartment and plug into the new apartment. Have done this before so everything was smooth, except there is no Internet light on my router.


I tried to contact TPG through email and website and they only call back on Friday. Tech person DID very kindly told me how to access to my router and even reset my router. Said he could not solve the problem and handed the case to engineer team (I have case number provided). He told me that my router cannot get online (it was fine until the second I unplugged from old home). Told me to expect response in 24 hr

On Saturday after I received text saying they will call me. Nothing happen till now (Monday evening).


Any suggestion on cases like this? should I keep waiting for TPC response, or cancel my account?


Hey @winnallia, we'll get you an update on your case ASAP.


Send me a PM, let's take a look at what's going on.