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No longer need TPG email

Level 2

I have a few questions in regards to tpg email and The Messaging Company.


1, If i no longer need my tpg email and do not wish to register/transfer it to The Messaging Company, will my tpg email automatically get removed by tpg?


2, If it does get removed, will it affect my log in details?


Not applicable

Hi @Toycrane ,


To answer your questions


1, If i no longer need my tpg email and do not wish to register/transfer it to The Messaging Company, will my tpg email automatically get removed by tpg?


You don’t need to do anything if you’re happy for your TPG email address to be deleted.

If you do not move to The Messaging Company before the date advised in the notice we emailed to you, your TPG email address will be suspended and you will no longer be able to send or receive emails.


2, If it does get removed, will it affect my log in details?


No, this should not affect your 'My Account' log in details. 


Should you require more help, please let me know.

