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Not getting what i paid for

Level 2

I pay for NBN 100/40 and this past week, my internet has been terrible, my speeds go down to under 10mbps, and its only been this week, i called up tpg and they said nothing on their end but to send them a screenshot of my low speedtest, ive tried restarting my router and the nbn box but that hasnt worked, anyone else got any ideas on what to do?

Not applicable

Hi @ethanmakmar,


The actual speeds for the service may be slower and vary due to many factors including type/source of content being downloaded, hardware and software configuration, the number of users and performance of interconnecting infrastructure not operated by TPG.


Devices connected by Wi-Fi may experience slower speeds than those connected by Ethernet cable.


We'd recommend having a read of this community article, which may help you check if the speed you're getting at the moment is within acceptable range.


This also includes troubleshooting on how the speed can be improved.

Slow speed issue


If you are connecting all your devices via Wi-Fi, this article may help as well : Easy Steps to Improve Wi-Fi Connection In Your Home


In your case, the issue has been escalated to our Engineering Team for further investigation and a case engineer will contact you via SMS or phone call for progress update.