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Please cancel my Internet account

Level 2
What is involved with cancelling my internet service with TPG? I am looking into changing providers as the service is too slow.
Not applicable

We're sorry to know that you're considering changing provider due to slow service/connection and we apologise for the inconvenience this is causing you, @carlamerrick.

If you could give us a chance, we would like to check what can be done to resolve this issue and turn your experience around.

We can see that you have previously reported an issue with the speed and it is strange that you are only getting 9-12Mbps, where in fact your line sync speed is 42Mbps.

With that being said, we have escalated this to our Technical Escalations Team and you will be contacted by a Senior Technical Escalation Officer to discuss how this case will progress.

Should you have preferred contact number and time, please send it via private message.

Not applicable

Hi @carlamerrick, our Technical Escalations Team tried to contact you, but to no avail.


Please let us know of your availability so we can advise the case engineer to process a callback and discuss how the case will progress.