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Sudden High Ping on SEA Game Servers (NBN100 Adelaide)

Level 3

it used to be only 80-90ms but when i went off to work for 8hrs and got back, the game i play (Dota 2) is constantly on 300ms+ now, i tested on other games like Path of Exile, Torchlight Infinite, its the same, and Diablo 4 is coming this monday i bet this is going to affect me, even US servers are lower now whic


Hi @kimkelvin


If you’re in Australia, but playing on an SEA server, your latency will be higher as the geographical distance creates a delay between information being sent from an Australian client-side (player’s) connection before it’s received and relayed from the SEA server.


Connecting or Playing to a Game server not designated to your area will affect a high latency issue particularly if the Game Developer itself made a specific server in every location such as SEA servers.




Level 3

it wasnt like this yesterday morning, i was still playing fine for months having only 80-90 and 100 being the max, i played the dawn to morning and left for work, came back around 7pm ish and its 300+ , i understand if its a bout geographical distance, but its weird as SEA (Singapore servers) are closer to us compared to JAPAN which in this case has lower latency for me, or US Servers.




When there is a heavy internet traffic, network congestion can occur. This congestion can cause delays in data transmission, leading to higher ping.  If the game servers you're connecting to are experiencing high player activity or load, it can also contribute to increased ping times. 

Hi @kimkelvin. Do you know the host name or ip addresses of the game servers? You can do ping and tracert commands to see where delays are occurring or if bad routing is going the long way round.
Do you know anyone who can do the same and compare results?
Level 3

@david64  yep can do that this is for the Valve SEA server, which is weird now because it pings me to hongkong which is further than SEA, it wasnt like this before.



Level 3

@david64  any update on this one? i've provided the tracert and it pings me to HK before reaching a closer singapore server, which is the one where im trying to connect.

its the diablo 4 launch tomorrow and if this happens it wont be a good experience

also ill provide this gameplay i uploaded on YT on sunday showing that before i posted this thread here, my ping to the SEA Server was ok and it's what i had before this, which is around 80-100 peak 

Torchlight Infinite has only Singapore servers close to and no OCE


@kimkelvin . I don't know if TPG or the other network providers know or care about their network performance.

This is my tracert from Sydney:


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms ARCHER_VR1600V []
2 5 ms 4 ms 5 ms
3 5 ms 4 ms 5 ms []
4 6 ms 6 ms 5 ms []
5 169 ms 176 ms 166 ms []
6 167 ms 166 ms 166 ms
7 167 ms 167 ms 167 ms []
8 236 ms 235 ms 235 ms []
9 272 ms 267 ms 268 ms []

Trace complete.


TPG needs to check on the big delay in your tracert between hop 7 and hop 8 (Hong Kong). 

Or, whether the routing is correct in the first place.


You could try a free trial from a VPN provider located in Australia. They may have better routing to SEA.

When connected to VPN, do ping and tracert again for comparison.

Level 3

@Angeli me and @david64 have provided tracert results which you can see its the routing problem on TPG's side of things and its not the normal (well for me in the past) now its like this, on my previous reply i have a video me playing on Singapore Servers having only 90~100 ping and not the 300+ i have now please i need this sorted out thanks

Level 3

@Angeli also took the liberty of checking my ip and this is what it says, i am no where near murray bridge, my location and my node should be ni noarlunga, christies beach SA 5165

