Level 2
TPG is one of the Fat (Big) internet company in Australia. They get Fat (Big) profit. They pay Fat (Big) salary to their managers. The Managers sit on the Fat (Big) chair. They have Fat (Big/ lazy) bottom cause they don't do anything. They don't care. I have paid and waiting for internet connection over 2 months (73 days), till I didn't have the internet connection at my home.
If you see "TPG THEN RUN"
You don't deserve any star.

Hi @Martin01


We checked the status of your order and learned that it is affected by an External Network Shortfall.


What is it?


Additional work within the NBN network is required to complete your installation. This work can sometimes be complex and requires technician with specific skill set or equipment working across multiple days.

The most common reasons for this shortfall is the Lead-In Conduit (LIC) which is the underground path where the fibre runs along is damaged, blocked or doesn’t exist.

This additional work is required by NBN and would apply for all Internet Service Providers. There is no cost to you as NBN will be completing the work.


What’s happening now?


TPG is communicating with NBN to ensure the work required to complete your TPG order is progressing. 


What’s next?


Depending on the complexity of the work required, it may take a few weeks/months for NBN to schedule and complete the work.
Your TPG Case Manager will inform you of the estimated time of completion.
NBN may contact you directly if they need your assistance in resolving the issue in your premises.
Once all the required work is completed, we will contact you to schedule an appointment with NBN to activate your service.


As of today, we've been advised that their ETA in completing the works needed is on the 4th of October 2022.

Our Provisioning team is closely monitoring the case and will be in touch with you as soon as a new update becomes available.


Thank you for your patience.


Level 2
Yesterday the NBN engineer "shaun" came and told me every thing is fine here, just need to get into the Telstra Switchboard and turn on. Five minutes job.
What exactly "External Network Shortfall" means?

Hi @Martin01


Based on the report from the NBN Co., there's a signal issue from the NBN network, which is being investigated by their field technicians.

They've advised that they are looking at resolving the issue by the 4th of October, but it is still subject to change depending on the complexity of the fault.


We'll monitor your case and will provide updates as soon as it becomes available.



Level 4

I wouldn't go that far. If you haven't dealt with Optus and Telstra, you have no yardstick to evaluate TPG.


They are NOT the worst. They could do better, and I think they've slipped a bit since the Vodafone "merger", but they are still relatively pretty good.


If NBN Co are involved, make sure you blame the right organization. TPG can't do anything about your connection until NBN Co get their act together.  

Then again TPG coud have offered you a wireless connection by now as a stopgap. That's a lot better than nothing, and indicative of good customer service.