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TPG email accounts are still controlled by TPG

Level 4


I know this topic has been done to death, and I'd made the decision to stick with TMC for the time being.

I've been a TPG ciustomer since 2006, but TPG seems to be more focussed on getting new customers than keep existing ciustomers. Why else do new customers get sweetheart deals while old customers get no incentives? Marketing ignores reducung churn, though it would be a lot les expensive.


Anyway, back on track. My TPG email address is a pretty important part of my internet "identity" and I would have to  change 60+ registrations, including MyGov and Centrelink if I wanted to go with a gmail address for example. Since TPG "ported" our email addresses to TMC, I had hoped, naively that since I was going to be paying TMC, my email address and email would be secure with them.
Nope. We had 3 TPG email accounts and all 3 of them need separate subscriptions, in addition, if I were to churn to another ISP, my TPG email account would be terminated, despite my subscription to TMC.


That makes the TMC subscription relatively worthless since my emails would be inaccesible if I were to stop being a TPG customer. We're basically in the situation where the TPG group no longer provides email services, and has moved those services to TMC, BUT TMC can't guarantee to provide continuity.


I feel cheated, having to pay TMC for a service that is potentially useless.


It's probably time I started porting everything to a gmail account, but I'll be thinking of TPG's lack of customer relations management while I do that. Pity, they were pretty good for a long time, but I guess that's progress.






Hi @Umack . On the subject of changing internet provider, this is the reply I had from TPG.



Hi david64, if the customer wants to keep their email address, they need to migrate to TMC before switching to another provider. 
If they switch ISP prior to migration, the email will also be disconnected. 


This says you can switch once you have been migrated. Until mid September, TPG is paying TMC to run its email system. After mid September when you start paying TMC, TPG should have no commercial interest in email addresses. If you want to switch providers, I would wait until after mid September, just to be safe. Unless you get all your registrations and other contacts changed over before then.