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TPG email settings for Eudora

Level 2

I have been a very long time user of Eudora, and have noticed a problem while attempting to send emails using Internet access from another provider other than TPG. I am using a laptop with Windows 10 installed. Receiving emails is not a problem. Some time ago, the problem only occurred when attempting to send more than about five emails at once, but now is for all outgoing. The Eudora error message I am receiving is "Error reading from network   Cause: Connection reset by remote side [10054]". I have rechecked settings and can see no problem, especially as there is no issue while sending from home via home TPG network. What would you suggest I could try next?


Hi @linying


You may try the Port given from our Support page.


If you still experience the issue, you may need to change the outgoing settings using the recommended settings of the third party provider you are using.


You have the option to use the webmail (Post Office) in case you weren't able to get the recommended settings from the other provider.

