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Terrible internet connectivity

Level 2

Since a few months ago my internet has had a large reduction in quality. I used to get between 30 to 50mbs down and 15 or so up, but recently I am struggling to get 1mbs down and constant disconnects. I have reset my tpg supplied router and tried my own but the internet quality is the same on both. Below is a screenshot of a test result.


Hi @banksy122


Welcome to the Community!


We were able to locate your account using your community details and have detected a possible fault within the NBN line after running some tests.

This case has been raised to our Engineering team and updates will be provided within 24 to 48 hours via SMS or phone call.



Level 2

I got a text saying that my internet should be working, but it is not. It is constantly dropping to 1 or 2mbs and even dropping connection. Can this please be looked at ASAP as my internet is unuseable and with lockdowns and working from home I need this internet connection.

Not applicable

Hi @banksy122,


We will chase this with our Engineering Team and request urgent feedback expect an update via SMS or call from one of our Engineers.





I got a text saying that my internet should be working, but it is not. It is constantly dropping to 1 or 2mbs and even dropping connection. Can this please be looked at ASAP as my internet is unuseable and with lockdowns and working from home I need this internet connection.