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The bad service of TPG

Level 2

I want to say that the NBN service that TPG is providing is becoming really rubbish, as in the last two weeks, the service is unstable, the speed is fluctuating dramatically, the bandwidth is erratic, the service disconnects and reconnects unexpectedly, the speed is slow, and when I call the customer service, they lie by throwing the fault to the customer side by asking them to turn off and turn on the router or reset it, which is an unreliable solution for solving the problem, as the TPG won't admit that they have a serious problem with their internet service and they should do something to improve the internet connection and the agreed-on speed, to preserve their credibility with clients.  

Not applicable

Hi @seps , we take a genuine interest to all our customer feedback and we'd like to look into this to better understand what happened.


Please send us a private message with your TPG customer ID, username and complete address so we can pull up the account and help with your concern.


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community