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Unable to load 1 particular site.

Level 2

I have 1 particular clients website that I can provide in a private chat that I cannot access from 1 address. I have 2 TPG accounts on NBN 50 at 2 different addresses. Both have been unable to access this particular AU website for some time now. TPG support advised me everything fine on their end.


I can access the site on mobile data.


To prove a point I just moved 1 address to Aussie Broadband and the site now works at that address so it is definately a TPG issue.


If I cant gett he issue resolved I will need to move the other address to Aussie Broadband as well.


Any help would be appreciated as no one on the tech support line seems to care.

Level 2

Also before you ask Modem has been hard reset twice now.


Hi @kohako . Do you have a Windows computer to try this via TPG account?

Open a command window and do these commands using the problem website.



Does it return an ip address? Which DNS is shown?



Does it return an address using Google dns?


For comparison, do the commands on a computer via the ABB account.


Out of interest, how long did it take to changeover to ABB?




Level 2

Ok so I just checked on a windows computer on same wifi and it has worked. Its not woking on the macs. Wierd ?  shows This site cant be reached. ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT. 

Level 2

I have just done the aboce dnslookup on the mac and it shows dns addresses on each one.


I am unsure what the following meands though:

For comparison, do the commands on a computer via the ABB account.

Out of interest, how long did it take to changeover to ABB?


@kohako . Your PC and Mac might be configured differently regarding DNS. I don't need to know the website name or its ip address, just which commands gave its address and which didn't.

The TPG DNS might not have your website listed, whereas the DNS used by AussieBB and your mobile data does.


nslookup  uses the default dns which could be

nslookup  overrides the default dns to use Google dns.

You can set a DNS override in Windows and Mac, or in the router for all your devices.

Level 2

On the windows computer I am not getting a dns for nslookup ( This browser shows the website though)

On my mac I am getting a DNS for both commands. ( Not loading the website)


Both on the same wifi channel on TPG account with issue.



@kohako . On the Windows computer, when you do nslookup, what dns is shown?

This is the dns that the browser uses for the website. Working on Windows.

nslookup doesn't give the ip address of your website. This means Google hasn't listed your website, which is strange.


On the Mac, you say both commands are giving the ip address of your website?

What DNS is shown when you do dnslookup


I don't see how the command with can work on one computer and not the other.

Level 2

Hi sorry I was on a VPN on the windows computer. I have turned that off and now same tests on both mac and Windows. Both tests you asked are showing an ip of Both systems are not loading this website. ER_Connection_timed_out


@kohako . The website is known in both DNS. It has ports 80 and 443 open.

I am using Win7 and Chrome. Starting from Google home page, I get the screen below.

The contact address is

Note the Not secure warning.Dangerous Not secure or Dangerous

We suggest you don't enter any private or personal information on this page. If possible, don't use the site.

Not secure: Proceed with caution. Something is wrong with the privacy of this site’s connection. Someone might be able to find the information you send or get through this site.

Dangerous: Do not use this site. If you get a full-page red warning screen, the site has been flagged as unsafe by Safe Browsing. The site can misuse or abuse any information it receives, and could potentially attempt to install harmful software on your computer. When you use this site, it puts your privacy and security at risk.


Google must know something about the website because it used the insecure port 80 to open the connection. You'll have to contact them to find out what's going on.