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I have good NBN wired access with this modem, but variable wireless NBN access. My Pixel 2 running Android 9 can connect wirelessly to the LAN and internet, but my other devices running earlier Android versions can't. They can connect to the LAN but can't get internet access.
I have done a factory reset on the modem, (and restart on the other devices) but hasn't helped. It seems like other devices can connect to the LAN but are filtered/blocked from accessing the interenet. Is there a setting/filter/white list I need to change or add to?
Any ideas anybody?
Thank you in advance.
Hi @robbo99 ,
Welcome to the community!
We'd like to clarify, do you mean other smart phone device(s) can connect to Wi-Fi network but its not able to connect to the internet? If so, the problem might be the Wi-Fi compatiblity of your device(s) to the modem/router. We did an article that you may find helpful feel free to visit the link below.
Wireless Channel on your modem - what is it and why should I change it?
Let us know how it will go.