
Level 3
Level 3

Recently sending email using domain email fails while using tpg email works.


Sending of the message failed.

An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: mf-505: Sender Policy - Relay Denied. Please verify that your email address is correct in your account settings and try again.


Please advise.


Not applicable

Hi @111 


Let us help understand what causing issues when sending emails. Are you using an e-mail client when sending emails? If so, could you share the current email outgoing and incoming server of the client?



Level 3
Level 3

Hi Shane,

Thank you for your reply.

Not sure of terminology however try to provide requested details as not getting help via telephone support.

I have used Thunderbird for 20 years with email default using domain name sent via tpg.

The current problem occured within last few weeks.

Emails using domain name are no longer sending however still receiving.

The incoming server is

The outgoing server is



Not applicable

Hi @111 ,


If you are using an older mail client or operating system on your device and if you experience any issues with sending or receiving emails, you might be affected by the discontinuation of TLS 1.0 and 1.1.


The best way to solve the issue would be by updating your mail client (Mail, Thunderbird, Outlook, etc) and operating system. We recommend checking for any updates for your mail client that support TLS 1.2 or higher (ideally upgrade to the latest version). In general, it is recommended to check for updates regularly to ensure that everything works smoothly and that security options are up to date.



  • Protocol: POP
  • Username: Your TPG email address
  • Password: Your TPG email address password (forgot password?)
  • Mail server:
  • Port & security type: 995 & SSL or SSL/TLS
  • Authentication: Enabled/password


  • Require sign in: Yes
  • Username: Your TPG email address
  • Password: Your TPG email address password (forgot password?)
  • SMTP server:
  • Port & security type: 465 & SSL or SSL/TLS (for all other devices)
  • Authentication: Enabled/password\


Level 3
Level 3

Hi @Anonymous 


I have adjusted settings per your advice however problem remains.


I can still send emails using tpg email but not domain email

even though they use same settings.

Could it be some sort of security block on the domain?

(There is an existing issue sending from domain email to gmail which require DKIM or SPF setup.)





Not applicable

Hi @111 


Can you post a screenshot of the error message when  you try sending emails to a certain domain? Have you tried doing this via TPG post office




Hi @Shane 


I have adjusted settings per your advice however problem remains.


I can still send emails using tpg email but not domain email

even though they use same settings.

Could it be some sort of security block on the domain?

(There is an existing issue sending from domain email to gmail which require DKIM or SPF setup.)

Level 3
Level 3

Hi @Anonymous 


See attached file

Not applicable

Are you also having issues to send email using TPG post office? 

Level 3
Level 3

No because sending through TPG post office is using my tpg email not domain email.

Not applicable

I'm sorry, I think I am little confuse here. Can you shoot me a PM with your details?


How to send a PM? 

