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location source has changed

Level 2

Hey there,  I live in Central Victoria, Just recently, in the last 10 days or so, all news services (on smart tv etc) are coming out of Sydney. I have not changed my location and need it back to coming out of Melbourne. No clue how to achieve this. Any advice most welcome!



Not applicable

Hi @shaju 


Let us do the basics: try to turn off the modem for 10 seconds, turn it back on, and see how it goes.




Hey there,  I live in Central Victoria, Just recently, in the last 10 days or so, all news services (on smart tv etc) are coming out of Sydney. I have not changed my location and need it back to coming out of Melbourne. No clue how to achieve this. Any advice most welcome!

Level 2

Hi there Shane, thanks for that, tried it, no success.

Not applicable

No worries, @shaju 


Let us see what we can do to fix this, could you flick me a message with your details?


How to send a PM?





Hi there Shane, thanks for that, tried it, no success.