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NBN box lost sync after 7.30 pm on 29-03-2020 not chat, no phone lines available to contact tpg, NBN outage site said there is no outage.
My records show that your service is online again.
Thanks for your patience
Thanks, luisc
yes about a month ago was this problem.
Thanks for you quick response
by the way, the service is OK, sometimes the NBN box (black little one) is resetting itself.
How often are it resetting??
3 or 4 times a week, starts with the router disconnect then lights start flashing for like 5 minutes and then need to reboot the router when the lights are all green
last one was today about 2 pm
Francisco M
about 5 mins ago it reset again have to turn off both devices, NBN box and router to make it work again, it seems it loses the sync with the service and start syncing again.
The service is supposed to be always online and should not be turning the equipment off and on more than 1 time per week or per month. With ADSL I did not have this problem, I only reset the modem - router 1 time when I updated the firmware.
It should be similar than DSL,
Could you confirm if the black box still has 4 lights green?
Please advice if that
yes, as last night as my last post was problem black box lights start flashing then start sync again and not syncing OK, so I have to power off the black box and the router.
after 2 mins plug back on the black box wait for the 4 lights to be on fixed and then I can power up the router and works.
this procedure needs to be done 3 or 4 times a week, sometimes twice a day like yesterday.
Never had these problems with the ADSL
(BTW, I had BYO Modem Router a Netgear D7800 X4S that was on the DSL and now with the NBN)